Citerna Turismo

Entrance to the village from the south side coming from Città di Castello.
The Franciscan Monastery of the Sisters of St. Elizabeth is located near Porta Romana and dates back to 1545.
Adjacent to the Monastery is the church that houses a 16th-century Pietà.
The most breathtaking spot in Citerna with a panoramic view of the entire Upper Tiber Valley.

The Prosperi family’s house hosting a precious fireplace called ‘The Lovers Fireplace’.

Town Hall, at the entrance there is also the Info Point and the Gift Shop.

Church and museum housing Donatello’s Madonna and works by Luca Signorelli, Pomarancio, and Raffaellino del Colle. Learn More.

Small chapel adjacent to the Church of San Francesco, currently undergoing renovation.

Once named the “Teatro degli accademici Discordanti Concordi” (Theater of the Academic Discordant-Concord), it is located near the country residence of the Vitelli family, probably built at the request of the powerful family. Small in size but elegant, it was formerly called “the room”.

Perfectly preserved medieval cell with some visible writings of the prisoners still on the walls.
Room obtained from one of the largest cisterns located on the lower level of the Village
The church houses important artworks dating from the 14th to the 20th century, including a remarkable fresco depicting the Crucifixion, attributed to Spinello Aretino.”

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North side of the characteristic medieval Walkways perfectly preserved.
South side of the perfectly preserved Medieval Walkways.
Circular tower perfectly preserved belonging to the Rocca complex.
Remains of Rocca, which used to dominate the upper part of Citerna. It was destroyed in 1944 as a retaliation by the German troops.

Main Street of the Village

North entrance to the Medieval Village for those coming from Sansepolcro.

City park where it is said that San Francesco performed one of his miracles during his pilgrimage to Assisi.

Source where it is traditional to drink for pilgrims as San Francisco did during his last pilgrimage.

Houses a 13th century fresco of the crucifixion, as well as other works of art attributed to the schools of Perugia and Florence.

Ancient clock tower symbolizing the center of the village and towering over the main square

Porta Romana
Monastry of Santa Elisabetta
Church Santa Elisabetta
Scipione Scipioni square and panoramic terrace
Prosperi's house and fireplace room
Town Hall, gift store and info point
Museum-Church of San Francesco
Former Church of SS. Sacramento
Bontempelli Teather
Ancient prisons
Room of the "Ammassi"
Church of San Michele Arcangelo
Medieval walkways north side
Medieval walkways south side
Circular Tower
Cassero Gardens and ruins of the Rocca
Corso Garibaldi
Porta Fiorentina
Monte Santo Park
Fonte Degna
Convent of Benedettine
Clock Tower